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APL Borealis presents...
Excel and APL - "Under the Hood"
November 1st, 2002, 9am to 5pm
CTC Computer Training Centre
4 King Street West, Suite 1520, Toronto
1. Richard Procter - APL Borealis Inc. - APL software development and training specialist
2. Chris Greaves - Chris Greaves Inc. - Excel/VB/Windows software development and training specialist
APL products for the Windows operating system are fully-compliant in terms of inter-application functionality, so seamless links between your APL applications and other typical Windows applications such as Excel are possible.
These techniques offer excellent ways of delivering enhanced productivity for legacy APL systems, and user-friendly ways of implementing new or existing APL systems with common interface and output capabilities.
But implementing this enhanced functionality can be a technical challenge. In this one-day workshop, we will explore the key elements of how we can employ APL and Excel linkage techniques to deliver user interfaces and enhanced background processing in the most effective ways available.
We will examine and develop demonstration systems where the APL interface instantly receives data from and sends data to Excel spreadsheets, and systems where the GUI in Excel/Visual Basic uses APL invisibly for what it does best, complex calculations and numeric array handling features.
Furthermore, we'll look "under the hood" at exactly what is going on between APL and Excel, and gain some insights into how Excel/VB programming and GUI techniques can best be used to deliver performance and functionality.
Proposed Topics
1. Excel and APL - interface features
2. Excel Components
3. APL in Command - reading/writing Excel data from the APL environment
4. Excel and Visual Basic - key components and techniques
5. Advanced Excel Interface Techniques - GUI overview
6. Excel in Command - the APL calculation engine
7. Fine Tuning - polishing the application for performance and functionality
Workshop space is limited, please book early! Please contact us at APL Borealis for details.
Price: Can.$395, plus GST. (or US$245 +tax)
Payment options: cheque, Visa, MasterCard
Or, attend both this and our October 31st Workshop: Dyalog.NET - APL and the Microsoft .NET Framework for $695+tax. (previous day, same location, see www.aplborealis.com for details)
APL Borealis Inc. · 381 Manor Road East · Toronto · ON · M4S 1S7
Voice: 416-457-7828 · Fax: 416-482-6582 · email:
info@aplborealis.com · www.aplborealis.com