APL Training @ |
APL Borealis is pleased to present...
Dyalog.NET - APL and the Microsoft .NET Framework
A One-Day, Hands-On Workshop on Dyalog APL.NET, featuring
Peter Donnelly of Dyadic Systems Ltd., U.K.
October 31st, 2002, 9am to 5pm
CTC Computer Training Centre
4 King Street West, Suite 1520, Toronto
Our presentation will begin with the basic features and benefits of Microsoft .NET and how they may be accessed using APL. All classroom computers will be equipped with the full Microsoft .NET Framework SDK software and Dyalog.NET APL systems.
We then Learn How To:
Manipulate .NET Classes from APL. The .NET class libraries provide a huge amount of functionality "for free"; functionality that you can use to build applications faster and to enrich the features you provide to your users.
Write new .NET Classes in APL. This allows you to expose APL classes from any other .NET language in a totally compatible and consistent manner. To the host language, APL classes are in fact indistinguishable from classes implemented in other languages.
Write Internet/Intranet applications hosted by ASP.NET and Microsoft IIS:
- APL Web Pages. These are web pages where the content and appearance of the page is generated dynamically from APL code. The beauty of the system is that the APL programmer works with "WebForms" objects (Buttons, Edit boxes, Grids and so forth) just like the screen objects that you use to manipulate the Windows GUI. The HTML is all handled for you.
- APL Web Services. These are effectively APL objects, which expose methods and properties, that you publish so that they can be called from any other authorized computer/program on the internet. For example, a Visual Studio .NET client application written in VB or C# could call, via the internet, an APL function to perform some complex calculation or database operation.
What Is Dyalog.NET?
The Microsoft .NET Framework is a highly object-oriented technology whose functionality is implemented in terms of .NET Classes. With Dyalog.NET you can:
use .NET classes from APL, and write new classes which can then be exploited by other programming languages and development environments
use APLScript, a scripting version of Dyalog APL that supports the use of APL in character based ASP.NET Web Pages and Web Service script files - may be used with or without traditional APL workspaces
save .NET Classes as DLL files, which are indistinguishable from classes written in other languages
deploy Dyalog.Net classes by supplying your DLL file together with the Dyalog.Net runtime engine
package an APL workspace as a .EXE that may be distributed as a stand-alone program depending only upon the Dyalog.Net runtime engine - this applies whether or not your application makes use of the .NET Framework
use ASP.NET, a new Microsoft technology for publishing web pages which support server-side scripts, including APL scripts, that create web pages on the fly - harness the power of APL to the Internet and generate pages that are more than just simple database lookups, containing complex calculations, etc.
deploy Web Services - classes that expose their functionality over the Internet - Dyalog.Net allows you to develop, debug, test and implement Web Services in APL, so you can quickly and easily make your APL functions directly accessible to any .NET program running on any computer that is connected to the Internet
For More Information about Dyalog.NET and the .NET Framework, please visit the Dyadic website at www.dyadic.com
Workshop space is limited, please book early! Please contact us at APL Borealis for details.
Price: Can.$395, plus GST. (or US$245 +tax)
Payment options: cheque, Visa, MasterCard
Or, attend both this and our Nov.1st Workshop: Excel and APL - "Under the Hood" for C$695+tax.
(next day, same location, see www.aplborealis.com for details)
Workshops Registration Form
APL Borealis Inc. ·
381 Manor Road East ·
Toronto ·
ON ·
M4S 1S7
Voice: 416-457-7828 ·
Fax: 416-482-6582 ·
info@aplborealis.com ·